Category: Maker Lifestyle
“It’s okay to feel like crap today.” It’s a conversation I have with myself on occasion. These days it happens more often than I’d like. It’s the single reason why this month blog posts have been few and far between. I’m dealing with quaranxiety. Yup, that’s a thing. Quaranxiety, the …
Last week I showed you how to set goals for 2020. Today I’m sharing my own intentions for 2020. Goals = intentions. And it all starts with my Word of the Year! My Intentions for 2020 So what am I doing next year? Remember my Word of the Year? 2020 …
Are you setting goals for 2020? Have you thought that far ahead yet? Or did you have a list ready in-hand when the clock magically struck midnight on January 1st? It’s funny that a lot of people hate the idea of “new year resolutions,” but get excited about goal setting. …
I really like the Word of the Year exercise. My 2020 word of the year did not come as easily as in the previous year. Last year’s word was CREATE and it felt like it came to me. This year I had to actively seek it out. Probably because I …
My experience with a 3D mammogram just happened this week so I figured I’d share it while it’s all still fresh! In fact, I wrote this as my boobs still bore the marks from their recent pancaking. And since self-care and self-maintenance are a huge part of my Accepting Yourself …
You’ve made up your denim jacket, great! Now how do you make it fit in your wardrobe? Figuring how to style a jean jacket is thankfully pretty easy! There are very few ways you CAN’T wear a jean jacket. The one style you should avoid at all times is the …
Did you know that simply stating that leggings are pants can divide people faster than a Trump vs? Hillary debate? Some people think it’s downright scandalous to wear leggings without a shirt to cover one’s derriere. Yet it’s okay for the same body to wear a shirt tucked into any other …
Still sporting a tan from my Caribbean vacation last week, I’d figure I’d share what might be some surprising facts about Puerto Rico. It was my first time visiting PR and I shouldn’t have been dumbfounded by some of these facts. I mean, I knew #3 since I’ve always found …
This weekend I’m heading to Puerto Rico for a week so of course, I have to put together a capsule wardrobe. Here’s what I’m packing for Puerto Rico, La Isla del Encanto! It’s going to be my first time ever on the island. So I might as well tell you …
The 100 Day Project finally ended this last week. Did I end my art project with a whimper or a bang? And what did I learn? What is this 100 days thing? The 100 Day Project is a self-driven opportunity to explore your own creativity. It’s free and there are …