Welcome to Petite Font!
It’s been a minute, but Petite Font is back and ready to set the world on fire! My site went dormant for a few weeks while I was setting up the party for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY (!!!). How do you like the new look?
It’s a work in progress, but what isn’t? I AM, TOO!
Along with a little bit of redecorating of the blog itself, my focus will shift from specifically sewing to a more inclusive lifestyle-centric maker-space that will include topics like health, photography, food, drink, and the like. You know, the cool shit.
Because I had a realization: now that I’m firmly in the post-30s decade, I’m looking for more out of my life and what I want to offer to you, my readers.
Like many of you, I am on a journey to make myself better. It started with my clothing, which is all I wrote about. I still enjoy sewing clothes, but there’s so much more I want to explore as a maker.
What is a “maker”?
A person that makes. Makes…what?
What do you make? Anyone, and I do mean literally anyone, can be a maker. Isn’t that great? I think it’s beautiful!
Maybe you make clothes too? Or music, or food, or love? Maybe you just make noise. Or you make people feel better. Notice you don’t have to make a tangible thing to be a maker!
Now that we’re at the one year anniversary of my blog, I am ready to embrace being a maker. And that simple shift from thinking of myself as a “sewist” to “maker” felt like it opened up a whole new world of possibilities! So now I am working on making myself better by (still) making clothes, but also making stronger muscles, and making art through food, drink, photography.
The Petite Font Maker Manifesto
We are ALL a work in progress. My goal is to inspire you to make yourself a more fit/sophisticated/superior you TOO, and hopefully you’ll feel like this is a safe space to share your journey with me and other readers in the comments.
I have made many mistakes along the way to 40. A LOT of mistakes! And boy, have I learned from (many) of those mistakes. What’s that saying? Your life can serve as a warning an inspiration to others? That’s what I’m here to provide!
If you were part of the OG readership before the new look, welcome back! I hope you like the new direction. Please tell me what you’re looking forward to!
If you are new here, hello and welcome! Please introduce yourself in the comments below.
We’re going to have a great adventure. So buckle up, because it’s probably going to be a bumpy—but fun—ride!
Thanks for hanging out!