Updated Jan 26, 2021
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Have you heard of the 100 Day Project? Here’s an excerpt from the official website:
The idea is simple: choose a creative project, do it every day for 100 days, and share your process online.
Every year, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of creating. Anyone can participate (yes, that means you!).
The beautiful thing about a project like this is that your project can be anything, literally ANYTHING at all. And you’ll get to share it with an engaged community from all over the world.
It doesn’t have to be a specific type of “art.” It’s totally up to your interpretation of what art means to you.
And art doesn’t have to be scary.
I make clothes, that’s my everyday art. I also used to be a photographer, which anyone with a phone camera can be.
There is art everywhere if you just open your mind.
This is also a form of self-care, which everyone needs. Indulge your creative side and let your inner child have some fun.
You deserve it.
What If I’m Not Good at Art?

That’s great, neither am I! That’s not going to stop me though. And it shouldn’t stop you!
What is “art” anyway? The wonderful thing about this “art” project is that ANYTHING, literally anything, you can commit to doing for 100 days is your “art.”
You, dear reader, are already an artist!
In past years, one person committed to 100 days of decluttering. Another quit alcohol for 100 days. Those are both laudable, and not necessarily the first idea that popped into my head from the word art.
But that’s their art.
Hell, one person used a lawn chair as performance art and somehow made something out of it every single day (like using it as a shield at least once).
So instead of thinking that you’re “not an artist,” think about what you can commit to for 100 days that you can also share.
How to Join the 100 Day Project

That’s the easy part!!
There’s technically 4 steps, but the first one is simple. Go to the website and subscribe to the newsletter.
Then join the community (via hashtag or Facebook), choose your project, and finally SHARE IT!
3 Ways to Choose Your 100 Day Project
In an Instagram Live back in 2019, coordinator Lindsay Jean Thomson suggested to think of your project in terms of production, process, or play.
Here are the 3 Ps:
Approach #1: Production

You can be productive by creating something. This one is probably the most traditionally “artsy.”
Maybe you want to make a collection of art like doodles, or calligraphy, or bracelets, or kiss marks on your hand, you know whatever.
Just make something. It doesn’t have to be “good,” whatever that means. It just has to be made.
Approach #2: Process

Or you can choose to engage in a process, like learning a new skill.
Maybe you want to take up macramé or underwater basket weaving. It doesn’t have to be serious. Or maybe this is the year you start your novel! NaNoWrMo starts in 7 months. Imagine if you spent the next 100 days prepping for it!
Just learn something. You don’t have to become an expert at it. It is only 100 days, after all!
Approach #3: Play

And then there’s play. What’s a simple thing you can do over 100 days that is just for fun?
Could you make a new origami creature every day? Or sculpt with some play-doh? Play hopscotch? Jump rope? Try out a new makeup look each morning? Tickle your kids? Give your dog belly rubs?
Just play.
Or combine all three! For example, make flashcards for the new language your learning and play with your kids or spouse or an accountability partner.
What If I Don’t Finish My 100 Day Project?

So what if you don’t finish? There’s no penalty for taking a break or abandoning a project if it just isn’t working for you. Maybe you change gears midway and start a different project. That’s totally cool!
Since there aren’t any other rules to this, other than attempting a 100-day streak, you can break this up however you want. What if you want to do 3 projects each for 33-ish days? Or maybe 10 for 10 days? Do it!!
My Previous Projects

The first year I participated was in 2019. I combined my desire to get to know my new neighborhood with the idea of walking 10,000 steps. I kept this in my stories to avoid cluttering my IG feed. This one fell into the “play” category.
In 2020 I started a new Instagram account for my dinosaur pincushion and simply took pictures of it in random places around the house. Covid kind of killed my fun, but I’ve kept the account and will be utilizing it again. This one was also a “play” style project.
In 2021, @dinopincushion will featured doodles from Peggy Dean’s Botanical Line Drawing: 200 Step-by-Step Flowers, Leaves, Cacti, Succulents, and Other Items Found in Nature. I suck at drawing, so I’m taking the opportunity to learn something new. It kind of falls into all 3 categories, especially production and process.
What will you do for 100 days? Let me know where to find you on Instagram so @dinopincushion can follow you!
Will you participate in the 100 Day Project? What can you commit to doing for 100 days?
Still thinking about it? Pin these for inspiration later:

[…] that time of year again! The 100 Day Project kicks off in 2 weeks on April 7th. I participated last year for the first time and knew I’d be back for more in 2020. And since we are all probably desperate […]