November is a crazy month for sewing enthusiasts! There’s #OWOP, #SewcialistsTNT, and #BPsewvember.
I finally committed to One Week One Pattern and even stuck to the pattern I originally blogged about. There are likely over 100 participants thus far, and I spent a good hour or so following everyone on Instagram. I can’t wait to see everyone’s makes! I need the sewjo inspiration.
Before committing, though, I made another batwing kimono-style top from Simplicity Patterns. I’d expected that maybe I would use that pattern instead, but it turns out it needs more fixes than I have the patience for at the moment. I’m treating it as a wearable muslin and even wore it out on date night, where someone who wasn’t El Husbando complimented me on it. So despite all the fitting problems, I still consider that a win! But it won’t work for THIS month.
stalking following all these new-to-me sewists on Instagram, I learned about #SewcialistsTNT. It’s a very easy challenge in which to participate, as laid out on the Sewcialists blog. TNT stands for Tried n’ True, meaning a go-to pattern or one that has proven itself to be a workhorse. This is a Monday, Wednesday, Friday posting schedule through the month of November.
I actually have a few patterns I might post for this, starting Friday. I’m thinking maybe my collection of Saunio Cardigans, or my dress hacks. Or…wow, I actually have more than expected! And then my #OWOPs will be the last week of November. SO MUCH ME MADE STUFF!
As if that wasn’t enough, also happening RIGHT NOW is #BPsewvember, and I didn’t even realize it until we were 6 days into November! Amanda over at Bimble & Pimble is hosting and it’s simply daily Instagram prompts for the sewing community to share amongst ourselves. As a former photographer, I sadly tend to overthink a topic so it’s always much fun to see how others interpret a prompt.
And despite my background, I feel like my Instagram feed is a crazy mish-mash of snapshots, not a properly curated portfolio. But that’s okay. Life is messy. My IG feed is at least honest…?
You can find me at @pfont!