Tag: True Bias Patterns
2021 was the year I embraced slow sewing, not on purpose. I just didn’t want to make a lot of stuff. I wasn’t going anywhere, so making clothes to just sit on the couch wasn’t appealing. When I would make time to sew, I had to put in a lot …
There will be some familiar names and looks in my list of top 5 sewing patterns of 2020. Because what I found comfort in during the collectively weirdest year of all was returning to some old favorites. I love these #SewingTop5 lists. I focus on my wins, which is another …
When True Bias designer Kelli Ward announced last year that she was expanding her sizing, I was so excited! I immediately reached out and asked if she’d be interested in participating in Sew My Style 2020. She was the very first designer to commit to the 2020 calendar. Which made …
Ogden cami hacks were all the rage this summer. My favorite #ogdencamihack is the one I mentioned in my first post about them: the shelf bra! But I was inspired by a ruffled tank I saw out in the wild to try to do that to the Ogden cami, too. …
It was hard work but I was finally able to come up with my top 5 sewing patterns of 2018. Just to illustrate how tough this was, I originally had 13 makes I wanted to share! But I got wise and decided to narrow it down to my favorite patterns. …
Yesterday I “rebirthed” Petite Font as a more inclusive maker blog. Today, we start having fun! It’s the One Year Blogiversary!! And that requires a party! To celebrate the maker AND the one year anniversary of this little blog, a few professional makers you may have heard of have generously …
(Let’s talk about crotches, baby!) I feel like I should title this FITTING! THE! SHORTS!!! This has been the ultimate journey, and yet I know full well we are just at the beginning of fitting actual pants. But for the moment, I really want to revel in the feeling of …
Today is #sewmystyle2018 reveal day for July and I had hoped to show you my awesome booty-fitting True Bias Lander shorts AND a pair of Blank Slate Forsythe that I planned to hack into shorts, but I can’t. Because I never got that far. Instead you get to see my work in …
The weekend before my birthday, I was trying to decide what to make my True Bias Roscoe blouse out of and posted a poll on Instagram stories: On the left is a gauzy mesh knit and on the right is a textured cream chiffon with a red and faint green …
It was a damn hot summer in Los Angeles (and now it’s leaking into fall–no wonder people think we don’t have “seasons” here). Like triple-digits hot. Even though this is technically an urban desert, it’s not very common to go over 100 out here by the ocean. But it happened …